Anti-Aging Workout - Steven & Chris on CBC

Season 4 - Episode 9

sarah robichaud with chris

(Segment starts at 19:20)

It is no surprise to any of us that things tend to go south as we age. In fact, we are at risk for losing 3-5 percent of our lean muscle mass per decade if we don't take action now. As we get older our bodies require a little extra attention to strengthen, tone and lift the trouble areas to help us look and feel great through the years.

The following exercises are free and easy and be done right from your living room while watching your favorite TV show, Steven and Chris!



The FISH POSE is a yoga posture that has been identified to help the aging process and is said to improve the imbalances of the thyroid and adrenal glands while giving the body and mind a chance to meditate and focus on deep breathing. This can minimize stressful thoughts and the less we stress, THE LESS WRINKLES WE WILL HAVE! This pose also brings oxygen-rich blood to your face and relaxes facial muscles which can make wrinkles less prominent. In addition, the fish pose strengthens the shoulders and upper back while opening the heart centre and increasing the flow of breath throw the body.

HOW IT'S DONE: Fish pose begins lying on our backs with our hands beneath the back of our legs palms down. We raise the chest toward the ceiling and balance weightlessly on the crown of our heads.

We hold, breathing deeply, for a count of five and repeat twice.



As we age, our neck muscles lose their tone and begin to sag causing that less than attractive turkey neck. Neck gymnastics are great for strengthening and tightening those muscles which improves the look of your neck.

HOW IT'S DONE: Forehead push - With one hand on our forehead and we gently push forward into our palm. Repeat 5 times.

Pucker up - Make a kissing pucker and tilt your head to the ceiling hold for a count of 10.

Open wide - The simple act of opening and closing the jaw nice and wide will stimulate the jaw and neck muscles.



As we age, we lose muscle mass and no where is this more evident than in the arms. The triceps are often neglected leaving them droopy, flabby and unattractive. The solution is to put those triceps to work with exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

HOW IT'S DONE: Tricep dips - Begin sitting on a chair and slip your hands beneath your glutes. Shift your body away from the bench and maintain the upright-seated posture. Bend your elbows as your body lowers and then straighten your elbows to bring your body up again.

Tricep kickbacks - Start with your feet hip width apart and hinge your body forward maintaining a tight core. Holding onto water bottles, soup cans or detergent bottles secure your elbows in toward your waist. Then press your hands back behind you until you feel the triceps kick in. Continue to press back and in keeping the elbows stabilized and working as a hinge. Repeat 12 times.



A youthful and perky chest region is something that all women desire. The simplest way to appear perkier through the chest is GOOD POSTURE! Practice standing tall with your shoulders pulled back and down and your tummy flexed. In addition, nothing will strengthen your chest muscles like a good old-fashioned push-up.

HOW IT'S DONE: Push ups - Begin with hands down on the floor just a little wider then shoulder width apart at chest level. On your knees ( if you a re a beginner) bend those elbows and slowly lower your chest to the ground. At the bottom engage your chest muscles and press the floor away from you. Make sure your core is tight and in one long line.